The holidays are here, and we are so excited! No matter which holidays you observe and the traditions you partake in, you want to be able to stay as healthy as possible to not miss out on the fun ahead. While that may seem overwhelming or even impossible to do at times, there are strategies that you can use every day to avoid getting sick before your important festivities. Read on →

It’s that time of year again when illnesses are running rampant, kids are coming home sick from school, and you are opening yet another email about the spread of a new illness making its way through your child’s classroom. The fall and winter seasons are great for many things, but not for illnesses. One category of illnesses that are particularly frustrating for parents is upper respiratory infection. They can make your kids feel really sick, but they can also be dangerous at times. Read on →

If you are an overall healthy person and don’t often get sick, that is amazing! Your health is your greatest asset, and you should never take it for granted. That said, getting sick is not always preventable, and even if you have a history of staying healthy during this time of year, it is not a guarantee. The flu, COVID-19 and strep throat are all around us all of the time, so the chance that you will get sick is always there. Read on →

Cold and flu season is here, there is no denying that. We encourage everyone in the Mooresville area to get plenty of rest, eat well and take care of yourself during this time of year. While focusing on your health and wellness can go a long way toward keeping you healthy, illnesses can creep in when we least expect them. COVID-19, strep throat and the flu are all possibilities as we head into the colder months. Read on →

The back-to-school season is stressful enough with all of the work, activities, homework and practices to organize, so it can be even more stressful when your child starts to complain about being sick. We all know that cold and flu season is right around the corner, but his or her illness being COVID-19 is also a possibility. Cases are rising around us, and kids and adults are all vulnerable to contracting it. Read on →

Now that your kids are back in school, chances are that you have either had an illness sweep through your house already or one will be on the horizon in the coming weeks or months. That’s just what happens at this time of year when everyone gets back together to learn once more. Many different illnesses and conditions can be floating around at any given time, and one of the most common symptoms associated with regular childhood illnesses is a fever. Read on →

We are the experts in testing, evaluating and diagnosing patients! We do it all day every day so we know a thing or two about common illnesses and classic symptoms. However, certain conditions can be harder to recognize right away without a little more investigation. That’s where diagnostic tools like our X-ray machine and lab come into play! Using these state-of-the-art machines and equipment helps us dig deeper into your condition to provide you with the most accurate diagnosis possible. Read on →

If you smoke and want to quit, we are already proud of you for wanting to take steps toward a healthier life. It may be one of the more challenging things you ever do, but the rewards greatly offset the cost of a lifetime of smoking. Smoking is one of those addictive habits that negatively impacts your life in a multitude of ways, and it can even be the catalyst for developing cancer later in life. Read on →

Getting sick is a normal part of life, and for most people, it happens a few times every year. Colds, the flu or strep throat appear with some very obvious symptoms of illness, and you will most likely know right away that you are getting sick. STDs, or sexually transmitted diseases, are a bit trickier to navigate. This is because you could have one and not show any symptoms or feel sick at all! Read on →

We love summertime here in the Mooresville area. The sun, water and abundance of family fun make it a wonderful time of year. One thing that is not so fun is the arrival of bugs, specifically ticks. Finding a tick on yourself after a day spent outside can be really frustrating! You should work on removing the entire tick as soon as you discover it on your body to reduce your risk for Lyme disease. Read on →