How to Tell if You Need an X-ray

As much as we don’t want it to be the case, injuries happen. In fact, injuries in the home are very common among older adults, as more than one in four people ages 65 and older fall at home.

In-home falls can result in broken bones, which can be serious, life-altering injuries.

It’s important to know whether an X-ray is necessary if you or a loved one falls. Our AFC Urgent Care Mooresville team shares some helpful ways to decipher whether an X-ray is necessary below, so keep reading!

  • Here’s what to do: Examine whether you’re having trouble walking or moving a part of your body. This is one of the tell-tale signs of a broken bone. While a sprain will not show on an X-ray, a broken bone will.

  • What to do next: Check for swelling. If you have swelling that doesn’t go down after several days, you likely have a fracture of some kind.

  • What to do after: Check for deep bruising. If a limb on your body has a colorful, painful bruise that feels rough underneath the skin, a broken bone is a possibility.

  • Something else to keep in mind: Pain when breathing. If you experience chest pain when breathing after a fall, you could have one or multiple fractured ribs. Visit our AFC center for an X-ray if this is the case.

  • To prevent falls from happening: Reduce clutter and keep the home tidy. Clutter in the floor greatly increases the risk of falling. Clean up loose wires, boxes, pet toys, etc. to stay safe and avoid tripping over something.

  • Another prevention tactic: Make sure your home is well-lit. Good lighting is one of the biggest keys to preventing and lowering the risk of falling in your home. Consider adding LED bulbs to provide light that doesn’t need to be changed very often. If you don’t like bright overhead lights, though, add more lamps.

  • Action steps to take: Install grab bars in the bathroom and in other highly-trafficked areas. These safety devices can greatly help with safely getting on and off the toilet and stepping in and out of the bathtub.

  • Doctor recommendations: One of the best things you can do to lower your risk of falling is staying physically active! Exercising often builds strength and balance, which will help you reach optimal health in addition to lowering your fall risk.

Need an X-ray? If so, don’t hesitate to visit our AFC center today.